We've been learning about the digestive system. If Mr. Alex would eat a bratwurst this is what would happen:
When he thinks of the bratwurst and  orders it, his mouth starts to water, that's when he starts producing saliva, also known as spit. The moment the bratwurst touches his mouth he also produces more saliva, which moistens, softens, and starts to digest his bratwurst. His teeth start to work and mashes up the bratwurst. His tongue  helps move food around. Then he swallows it and the bratwurst travel down a pipe/tube known as the esophagus. The esophagus is a muscle that squeezes the food down to the stomach. There's two flaps in the esophagus  that opens and either leads food to our stomach or carries air to our lungs. The liver is next to our stomach. the liver produces a kind of chemical called bile.Bile is that taste when you're about to vomit.Bile breaks down fat. The bratwurst travels down to his stomach. The stomach mashes up the bratwurst and breaks it down.  The stomach will store the food in there until the time comes to move to the small intestine.The small intestine might sound small, but if you stretch it , it would be 22 feet long. The small intestine's job is to suck in nutrients from the bratwurst  and give him energy. There could be nutrients such as proteins, minerals, caborhydrates and fat. Bile breaks down the fat in small intestine. The next part of the journey is the large intestine. The large intestine is % feet long. It's job is to  suck in all the water that's left . it travels around the large intestine for 4 hours until it reaches the last part of the digestive system , the rectum. The food that is now waste or poop is store in the rectum. It's stores in  the rectum for hour until it poop out of the anus.
And that's the journey of food!

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